I was commissioned by the owner to help market this incredible one of a kind luxury home in Longview Washington. He wanted his residence to stand out from the others on the market so we produced a real estate property video with professional narration and hired local actors to be in the video. The home sits atop a huge cliff …
Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living Magazine – Nov 2020 Issue
It’s already 2022 and I am only now posting the November 2020 issue of Spokane CDA Magazine, it’s been an interesting and fun couple of years! I photograph a lot of homes and spaces and this home had one of the most memorable 15 seconds of any shoot in recent history. One of those fleeting moments, when you only have …
Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living Magazine – December 2020 Issue
Throwback to the December 2020 issue of Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living Magazine which featured a creative DIY holiday theme in this beautiful home. Also featured on the cover of the issue, Cody & Jordyn Smith @ourpnw_home did a great job making the residence very festive and inviting. And I love what the team at @spokanecdaliving did with the images in …